The ACE World Geography course is well written, and is now available in the 4th edition. The course is challenging and requires a good bit of memorization for each check-up and test. Use of the online resources below is very helpful. Be sure to see the test tips at the bottom of this page!
UPDATE 2022 – PACE 1099 was updated to change Swaziland in Africa to Eswatini. If you don’t have the latest scorekey, parents or supervisors can email me and I’ll send a link to a one page “Updater” to bring your scorekey and test key up to date.
Games and Resources to Help
NOTE: Be sure you have your student put their name on the Map Insert from PACE 1097 as they will need it to do assignments in subsequent paces. But if they lose or misplace it, you can down a PDF version of it here — World Geo 1097 Map Insert
Games to learn capitals, countries, continents:
- Sheppard Software – some continents are not available yet
- ILike2Learn
- “Road Trip” Geography – several good links to resources
Outline maps that can be printed out for each PACE
We have prepared a set of outline maps and directions to accompany each PACE so that students don’t need to hand-draw the maps that the PACES require. We also have a large fold-out map (see picture at right) of the entire world on which students can color in the countries as they study each area. Purchase the kit in the store and download the outline maps in a pdf file (optional large map will be mailed via USPS.)