Every month when I check my statistics for this website, I find that the MOST SEARCHED FOR search term is “free score key download”
Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but you will not find any scorekeys on this website! I am a teacher and am very concerned that students not get access to keys and begin copying answers and thereby short-circuit their learning.
Also, ACE strictly forbids posting, copying, or transmitting PACEs, tests, or score keys as those are all copyrighted materials.
If you need scorekeys . . . .
- Visit www.aceministries.com and follow the link to their store to buy any keys you need
- Sometimes an area ACE school may have some used keys that they are not longer actively using with students that they may be willing to loan to a needy homeschool family. Do your own homework on that one.
If you need help understanding concepts in the high school PACES, there is a very good chance that we have a video lesson on our website that will help you! Click on “Subjects” on the menu above and browse to the subject and level you need.
I have created “test-tips” for a few of the older courses that have difficult tests with what students might consider “trick questions.” I don’t give the answers — just a heads-up about things to be sure to study before taking the test.