NOTE: These items are available for purchase using PayPal (which will accept any credit card or bank payment). The shopping cart shows up automatically at the bottom of the page.
Downloads – once you make the purchase you will receive an email with a link to download the file.
World Geography Outline Map Set – $10
Directions and maps in PDF format to print out for each PACE in the World Geography course so the student doesn’t have to draw the countries by hand. Tweaked and updated for the newest edition of the PACES – ready for the 2021 school year!

Large Outline Map – large world map (pictured at right) paper edition (includes S/H in the United States) – $10
Large Outline Map in PDF – same large map as above, but in separate PDF pages to print, trim, and tape together. A more economical option for international students. $6
NOTE: The first set above has individual maps keyed to use with each PACE. The directions also refer to the optional large world map that students gradually color in as the course progresses until the entire map is finished by the last PACE. I have my students use both resources as they work through World Geography.

English 1119 Supplement – $9
The standard English PACE 1119 about research does not include internet sources, but does refer to the “card catalog” and “Reader’s Guide to Period Literature” which no longer exist. This PACE supplement replaces the last half of the PACE and makes it more current. Set includes revised test, and all required keys.
Pennsylvania History – (8 PACES) – $24
This course is designed for 7th graders to complete for the second semester of Social Studies. This kit includes a PDF textbook, 8 PACES, tests, and all keys.
You need this PDF textbook in order to use the above course. Click the button below to add it to your order for free.
Baptist History (6-PACES) – $18
This course is designed as half-year history or Bible course or a supplement to accompany World History in 9th grade. It is written at a 6th-8th grade reading level and is easy to work through. It presents the history of the Baptists from the time of Christ through a line of Bible believers who were often known by other names (such as Anabaptists), and many times persecuted and killed by Catholic and even Reformer leaders. Kit comes with all 6 PACES, tests, and scorekeys.
Online Course: Guide Your Homeschool Teen through High School to College
Description: As a parent of a teen who is heading in to high school, you might feel a little fearful or intimidated. You might be afraid you’ll make a mistake, or leave out an important step, and your teen won’t be able to get into college and succeed in life. Relax! This short course is a quick guide to everything you need to know, with tips to guide you into deeper research. As a teacher and school principal for over 30 years, and having helped scores of families in the homeschool community in Pennsylvania, I have had these conversations many times and am confident that what I share here will help you get started on this next phase of homeschooling. You CAN graduate your teen from homeschool!
Bringing Children to Salvation– $8

When it comes to leading your child to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ you cannot afford to be mistaken in how you approach this. Does your child understand or are they just being compliant? How do you deal with children when it comes to the matter of salvation? How do you know when a child is old enough to understand salvation? What do you look for in a child’s life to evidence true salvation? How do you identify conviction in a child’s life? These and other questions regarding the matter of children and salvation are answered in this book by Pastor Doug Hammett. Also included is a list of memory verses to use with children. Shipped Media Mail. S/H included in price.

ABC’s of Christian Growth – $16
This high school level Bible course works great in an ACE homeschool setting. Each of the lessons corresponds to one of the 26 letters in the alphabet and includes several pages of teaching, requiring the student to look up the answers in their Bible. There are no tests. Each lesson can easily be completed in 1-2 weeks. Spiral bound book, shipped Media Mail. S/H included in price. (1 credit for High School Bible).
Need some books your teen boys will read? Here are some recommendations!