Ask Mr. Friendson @ Thank you for signing up to stay connected with the PACESuccess! website. Be sure to check your email and click to confirm your subscription. When a new blog article is posted, or new resources are available, we will send out an announcement to the list. Your email address will not be sold or given to others or used for spam. (You can unsubscribe easily, too, if you choose to do that in the future.) Your free gift can be downloaded by clicking here –> it is a short eBook about the ACE characters and shows their pictures from kindergarten, middle-school, and high school. Enjoy!
  • To learn more about why we put this site together, read the About page.
  • Click the “Students” tab above to see the specific subject related resources available.
  • To learn more about the main contributor to the site, Tim, read this post.
  • Please leave comments on blog posts and keep the conversations going after each blog post
  • Visit our FaceBook page –TeenPACESuccess
  • If you have teens, be sure to download the test tips to help them be better prepared for their PACE tests.