Life suddenly changed January 18th for Mr. Anger when I experienced a massive heart incident called an “aortic dissection.” Rather than describe it all myself, I am going to copy and paste below the text of a summary written by the president of the Keystone Christian Education Association to member schools in Pennsylvania. . 

“Back in January we informed everyone of a medical emergency experienced by Emmaus principal Tim Anger as he participated in the KCEA Board meeting on January 18.  Briefly stated, he collapsed, was rushed to Hershey Medical Center, underwent 8 hours of emergency surgery for an aortic dissection.  For those who have not followed Tim via family updates on Facebook, God brought Tim slowly, very slowly, inching back from death’s door.  Slowly his body “restarted” its functions and he was transported to Hershey Rehab Hospital less than two weeks ago. 

“In rehab he has rapidly advanced.  Staff marvel.  With a quick mind, he is already planning and organizing and assisting with decisions.  He has even assisted staff back at school with some problem solving.  He has been mentally and physically relearning fine motor skills (including writing, combing his hair, brushing his teeth, shaving, and using his phone and laptop) and mentally and physically relearning large motor skills (including standing, walking, climbing stairs, changing directions when walking, and getting into and out of bed and chairs – even how to get up if he falls).  He is rebuilding skills to do two things at once (like talking while walking).  As a pianist/organist, in the past week he has tackled playing hymns on a keyboard (sounding good).  Tim knows that he must pace himself as he rebuilds, but everyone rejoices in seeing the Hand of the Lord in this situation. 

“Tim is scheduled to go home on March 18 – two months to the day! 

“When the emergency occurred, Tim was within 10 minutes of a highly rated medical facility that was trained, equipped, and skilled to quickly undertake this life-saving surgery.  Less than 3% of people who survive aortic dissections even life, and most of them never fully recover. Tim’s recovery is a testament to answers to prayer of God’s people and for the glory of God.”