This level of the PACES covers English Literature and reviews more advanced topics of grammar and usage. The course ends with a speech on a topic that you have to research. (See video below). You can download test tips here:

Vocabulary Notebook

Throughout these twelve PACES you will be learning many new vocabulary words for each PACE. Be sure you keep up with learning the definitions, writing a sentence using that word correctly, and reviewing before check-ups and the PACE test. Several of the tests have 20 or more points based on the vocabulary and if you haven’t mastered those words you could fail the test.

The specific definitions that these PACES are looking for are found best in the blue Scott Foresman Advanced Dictionary  (Thondike/Barnhart). You can find it on USED for very little.

PACE 1144

For this final PACE of your English you will be writing and then presenting a speech. Watch this video for some tips before you start the PACE so you can better manage your goals. Here is a “Guideline for Writing Research Paper” that you can download to help you