Level 7 Math (1073-1084)
Note to parents: Your teen should expect to spend 30-45 minutes a day doing math (sometimes 60 minutes). Each PACE is 50+ pages long, so daily goals need to be 4 pages per day average. If your child is struggling with the math and having a hard time getting it done in a reasonable time, consider allowing him to use a calculator for the most time-consuming problems (up to half of the problems on any given page). You need to be sure he knows the concept and how to do it long-hand first and not become dependent on a calculator. It is also a good idea to use 3X5 cards to create “cue cards” for different types of problems and include the steps needed and a clear example to follow on each card. If your teen struggles with math, you might allow her to refer to these cards while doing her PACE (possibly even check-ups and tests).
Read this article about Math 7 — “Chat about Math 7”
- Math 1073 – covers rounding, exponents, place value, divisibility
- Math 1074 – covers operations with fractions and decimals (three videos available)
- Math 1075 – covers probability and statistics (Video alert for parent/supervisor)
- Math 1076 – covers order of operations, basic algebra, graphing (Six Videos Available)
- Math 1077 – covers integers (negative nos), more graphing, sets, algebra (Four Videos Available)
- Math 1078 – covers scientific notation, ratios, conversions (three videos available)
- Math 1079 – covers percents (three videos available)
- Math 1080 – covers geometry
- Math 1081 – covers more with geometry and finding perimeter, area
- Math 1082 – covers volume of shapes and personal finance
- Math 1083 – covers more personal finance and business math
- Math 1084 – covers conversion of units (Four Videos Available)
Supervisors Solution Keys were created by Christian Education of Europe, with permission of ACE. These keys contain ONLY the hard problems that need more than “just an answer”. They help your student understand the “steps” they missed. You still need a “score key” as these solution manuals would be in addition to that. Be aware these “solution keys” are not set up like score keys, they sometimes only have 2 paces per booklet…so watch your numbers. You can order using the links below:
Curriculum Express in US – https://www.curriculumexpress.com/
UPDATE: The new edition of the Scorekeys from ACE have been expanded to include the solution steps for EVERY problem, making the above supplement unneeded, unless you already have older edition scorekeys you want to use.